Most publication can be downloaded in Researchgate or Academia or you can contact me for copies. Other metrics can be found in GoogleScholar.
In press:
59) de la Sancha, N.U., P. Teta, G. D’Elía. (in Press). Lista anotada de los Marsupiales de Paraguay. In F.J. Flórez Oliveros and L. Amparo Zapata Ortiz (Eds). Marsupiales de América.
58) López-González C., P. Myers, N. de la Sancha, G. D’Elía, L. Valdez, R. Owen, P. Smith. (in Press). History of Mammalogy in Paraguay. In M. Melletti, D.G. Tirira, S. Gallina Tessaro (Eds). Mammals of Middle and South America: History, Biogeography, and Conservation.
57) Onditi, K.O., N.U. de la Sancha, Simon Musila, Esther Kioko and Xuelong Jiang. (2024). Unravelling spatial scale effects on elevational diversity gradients: insights from montane small mammals in Kenya. BMC Ecol Evo 24, 139.
56) Buckley, J.Y., M.H. Murray, N.U. de la Sancha, Mason Fidino, Kaylee A. Byers, Rebecca Fyffe, and Seth Magle. (2024). Widespread exposure to anticoagulant rodenticides among common urban mesopredators in Chicago. Science of the Total Environment.
55) Villalobos Guerrero, I.A. and N.U. de la Sancha (2024) "Postweaning Skull Growth in Living Didelphid Marsupials: The Case of Gracilinanus agilis and Cryptonanus chacoensis," DePaul Discoveries. 13, 11.
54) Leonard, A., J. Abalos, T. Adhola, W. Aguirre, O. Aizpurua, S. Ali, F. Andreone, F. Aubret, H.D. Ávila-Palma, L.F. Bautista Alcantara, J.F. Beltrán, R. Berg, T. Bjørneboe Berg, S. Bertolino, D.T. Blumstein, B. Boldgiv, Z. Borowski, J.P. Boubli, S. Büchner, C. Cabido, Carlos Camacho, J.C. Chaparro, A. Charmantier, G. D'Elía, L.P. da Silva, B. Dalsgaard, C. de Franceschi, F. de la Cruz, N.U. de la Sancha, M. Denoël, R. Eisenhofer, N. Feiner, J.M. Fernandes, J. Figuerola, L. Fusani, L. Gangoso, R. García-Roa, S. Gasperini, N. Gaun, M. T.P. Gilbert, I. Gomez-Mestre, G.R. Graves, J. Groombridge, E.A. Hardouin, M. Hernández, L.G. Herrera M., K. Hodder, P.A. Hosner, N. Hurtado, J. Juste, S.C.L. Knowles, K.D. Kohl, C. Korine, Y.V. Kornilev, S. Kramer-Schadt, X. Lambin, E.Z. Lattenkamp, J. Lauritsen, G. Li, C.M. López, A. López Baucells, T. Magory Cohen, E. Manzo, M. Marteau, L.B. Martin, G.M. Bideguren, M.V. Mazzamuto, A. Monadjem, P. Nietlisbach, D. Bilyeli Øksnebjerg, J.G. Packer, M.L. Pepke, J.M. Peralta-Sánchez, A. Perdomo, G. Pérez i de Lanuza, C. Pietroni, M. Poyet, C. Rahbek, T. Ramaraj, Y. Ramayo Caldas, O. Razgour, H. Rebelo, J. Reif, R. Rimbach, R. Rocha, R. G. Rocha, C. Rodríguez Fernandes, C. Romeo1, S. Ruuskanen, S.K. Sakaluk, F. Santicchia, T. Sarraude, R. Sørås, M. Spada, M.A. Steele, M.R. Stothart, E. Sunje, A.O. Sutton, M. Szulkin, Y. Takahata, C.F. Thompson, K. Thorup, G. Tomazetto, L. Torrent, N. Toshkova, C. Tranquillo, M.A. Turcios-Casco, T. Uller, I. van Riemsdijk, G. Velo-Antón, G. Verbeylen, E. Videvall, C.C. Voigt, L.A. Wauters, M. Wellenreuther, A. Yanchukov, and A. Alberdi. (2024). A global initiative for ecological and evolutionary hologenomics. Trends in Ecology and Evolution. 39:(7), 616-620. DOI:
53) Blackburn, D.C., D.M. Boyer, J.A. Gray, J. Winchester, J.M. Bates, S.L. Baumgart, E. Braker, D. Coldren, K.W. Conway, A. Davis Rabosky, N. de la Sancha, C.B. Dillman, J.L. Dunnum, C.M. Early, B.W. Frable, M.W. Gage, J. Hanken, J.A. Maisano, B.D. Marks, K.P. Maslenikov, J.E. McCormack, R.S. Nagesan, G.G. Pandelis, H.L. Prestridge, D.L. Rabosky, Z.S. Randall, M.B. Robbins, L.A. Scheinberg, C.L. Spencer, A.P. Summers, L. Tapanila, C.W. Thompson, L. Tornabene, G.J. Watkins-Colwell, L.J. Welton, the oVert Project Team, and E.L. Stanley. (2024). Increasing the impact of vertebrate scientific collections through 3D-imaging: the openVertebrate (oVert) Thematic Collections Network. BioScience 74: 169-186.
52) Murray, M.H., J.Y. Buckley, K.A. Byers, D. German, N.U. de la Sancha, S. Mehta, A. Dyer, A. Flores, R. Fyffe, and S.B. Magle. (2024). Urban Rats (Rattus norvegicus) through a One Health Lens: Social and Ecological Factors Promote Opportunities for Urban Leptospirosis in Rats, Dogs, and People. One Health Cases. DOI:10.1079/onehealthcases.2024.0001.
51) de la Sancha, N.U., O.D. Salvioni, C. Vega Gómez, and M. Lareschi. (2024). Parasitic Laelapid mites (Mesostigmata) on rodents (Cricetidae, Sigmodontinae) from the Interior Atlantic Forest of Eastern Paraguay. Mastozoología Neotropical. 31(1):e01021.
50) de la Sancha, N.U., J.F. González-Maya, S.A. Boyle, P.E. Pérez-Estigarribia, J.N. Urbina-Cardona, and N.E. McIntyre. (2023) Bioindicators of edge effects within Atlantic Forest remnants: Conservation implications in a threatened biodiversity hotspot. Diversity and Distributions. 29(3), 349-363.
49) Ge,D., Y. Qu, T. Deng, W. Thuiller, C. Fišer, P.G.P. Ericson, B. Guo, N.U. de la Sancha, S. von der Heyden, Z. Hou, J. Li, A. Abramov, A.P. Vogler, K.A. Jønsson, and R. Mittermeier. (2022). New progress in exploring the mechanisms underlying extraordinarily high biodiversity in global hotspots and their implications for conservation. Special Issue: Global hotspot of Biodiversity and Conservation. Diversity and Distributions. 28(12), 2448-2458.
48) Teta, P., N.U. de la Sancha, G. D’Elia, and B.P. Patterson. (2022). Andean rain shadow effect drives phenotypic variation in a widely distributed Austral rodent. Journal of Biogeography. 49(10), 1767–1778. DOI: 10.1111/jbi.14468.
47) Balk, M.A., J. Deck, K.F. Emery, R.L. Walls, D. Reuter, R. LaFrance, J. Arroyo-Cabrales, P. Barrett, J. Blois, A. Boileau, L. Brenskelle, N.R. Cannarozzi, J.A. Cruz, L.M. Dávalos, N.U. de la Sancha, P. Gyawali, M.M. Hantak, S. Hopkins, B. Kohli, J.N. King, M.S. Koo, A.M. Lawing, H. Machado, S.M. McCrane, B. McLean, M.E. Morgan, S. Pilar Birch, D. Reed, E.J. Reitz, N. Sewnath, N.S. Upham, A. Villaseñor, L. Yohe, E.B. Davis, and R.P. Guralnick. (2022). A solution to the challenges of interdisciplinary aggregation and use of specimen-level trait data. iScience. DOI:
46) Abreu, E.F., J. Dalapicolla, P.R. Furini, N.U. de la Sancha, S.A. Jansa, and A. Reis Percequillo. (2022). Habitat stability shaped the demographic history of the Atlantic Forest endemic rodent Euryoryzomys russatus (Cricetidae: Sigmodontinae) during the Pleistocene. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society. 136(4), 520–535.
45) de la Sancha, N.U., S.A. Boyle, and N.E. McIntyre. (2021). Identifying structural connectivity priorities in eastern Paraguay’s fragmented Atlantic Forest. Scientific Reports. 11:16129. DOI: 10.1038/s41598-021-95516-3.
44) de la Sancha, N.U., S.A. Boyle, N.E. McIntyre, D.M. Brooks, A.Yanosky, E. Cuellar Soto, F. Mereles, M. Camino, and R.D. Stevens. (2021). The disappearing Dry Chaco, one of the last dry forest systems on earth. Landscape Ecology. 36:2997-3012.
43) Weems, E.I., N.U. de la Sancha, L.J. Anderson, C. Zambrana-Torrelio, and R.P. Ferraris. (2021) Centering microbes in the emerging role of integrative biology in understanding environmental change. Integrative and Comparative Biology. 61(6), 2145–2153.
42) Onditi, K.O., T.C. Demos, J. Kerbis Peterhans, Z.Z Chen, J. Bryja, L.A. Lavrenchenko, S. Musila, E. Verheyen, F. Van de Perre, B. Dudu Akaibe, N.U. de la Sancha and X.L. Jiang. (2021). Historical biogeography, systematics, and integrative taxonomy of the non-Ethiopian speckled pelage brush-furred rats (Lophuromys flavopunctatus group). BMC Ecology and Evolution. 21:89.
41) Boyle, S. A., N.U. de la Sancha, P.E. Pérez, and D. Kabelik. (2021). Small mammal glucocorticoid concentrations vary with forest fragment size, trap type, and mammal taxa in the Interior Atlantic Forest. Scientific Reports 11:2111. DOI: 10.1038/s41598-021-81073-2. press: Independent, Mongabay, Treehugger, EurekaAlert,,, ScienceDaily, Courthousenews,, PostOnlineMedia,, SemanaSostentible
40) Colella, J.P., B.R. Agwanda, F.A.A. Khan, J. Bates, C.A. Carrión Bonilla, N.U. de la Sancha, J.L. Dunnum, A.W. Ferguson, S.E. Greiman, P.K. Kiswele, E.P. Lessa, P. Soltis, C.W. Thompson, M.P.M. Vanhove, P.W. Webala, M. Weksler, and J.A. Cook. (2020). Build international biorepository capacity. 2020. Science. 370(6518): 773-774. DOI: 10.1126/science.abe4813.
39) Nagy-Reis, M.B. et al. +696 authors. (2020). NEOTROPICAL CARNIVORES: a data set on carnivore distribution in the Neotropics. Ecology. 101(11): e03128.
38) de la Sancha, N.U., R. Maestri, R.S. Bovendorp, and C.L. Higgins. (2020). Disentangling drivers of small mammal diversity in a highly fragmented forest system. Biotropica. 52(1):182–195.
37) de la Sancha, N.U., G. Simões Libardi, and U.F.J. Pardiñas. (2020). Discovery of a new genus record for Paraguay, the Atlantic Forest endemic rodent, Abrawayaomys (Cricetidae, Sigmodontinae). Mammalia. 84(4): 366-371. DOI:
36) de la Sancha, N.U. and S. Boyle. (2019) Predictive sampling effort and species-area relationship models for estimating richness in fragmented landscapes. PloS One. DOI.10.1371/journal.pone.0226529.
35) Santos P.M. et al. 506 + authors. (2019). NEOTROPICAL XENARTHRANS: a data set of occurrence of xenarthran species in the Neotropics. Ecology 100(7):e02663.
34) Rossi, L. F., de la Sancha, N.U., J.P. Luaces, D.Y. Estevez, and M.S. Merani. (2018). Morphological description and comparison of sperm from eighteen species of cricetid rodents. Journal of Mammalogy, 99(6): 1398-1404.
press: Nova, Local FoxNews, Field Museum Release, COSMOS, ScienceDaily, The Petri Dish, NewsBreezer, theJournal,
33) de la Sancha, N.U. (2018). New Discoveries in Natural History Museums. BioScience, 6(68): 464–465.
32) Gonçalves, F., et al. 101+ authors. (2018). ATLANTIC MAMMAL TRAITS: A dataset of morphological traits of mammals in the Atlantic Forests of South America. Ecology, 99(2).
press: Field Museum Release,, Ambientum,
31) Martinez, V., I. de Fox, R. Stevens, M.L. Ortiz, N.U. de la Sancha, and M. Ruiz. (2017). Chiroptera. In S. Saldivar, V. Rojas, and D. Giménez (Ed.), La Lista Roja de Mamíferos de Paraguay- Red list of Mammals of Paraguay (pp. 61-77). Asunción: CREATIO.
30) Saldívar, S., V. Rojas, D. Jimenez, A.M. Abba, R. Ayala, R., Barreto, J.L. Cartes, H. del Castillo, E. Cuellar, N.U. de la Sancha, I. Gamarra de Fox, A.J. Giordano, M. Kowalewski, and J. Lopez. (2017). Los mamíferos amenazados del Paraguay. In S. Saldivar, V. Rojas, and D. Giménez (Ed.), La Lista Roja de Mamíferos de Paraguay- Red list of Mammals of Paraguay (pp. 27-33). Asunción: CREATIO.
29) de la Sancha, N.U. and P. Teta. (2017). Marsupiales: los mykure. In S. Saldivar, V. Rojas, and D. Giménez (Ed.), La Lista Roja de Mamíferos de Paraguay- Red list of Mammals of Paraguay (pp. 35-42). Asunción: CREATIO.
28) Torres, J., S. D. Ríos, J. Sánchez, N.U. de la Sancha, and P. Teta. (2017). Rodentia. In S. Saldivar, V. Rojas, and D. Giménez (Ed.), La Lista Roja de Mamíferos de Paraguay- Red list of Mammals of Paraguay (pp. 123-135). Asunción: CREATIO.
27) de la Sancha, N.U., C. López-González, G. D’Elía, P. Myers, L. Valdez, and M.L. Ortiz. (2017). An annotated checklist of the mammals of Paraguay. Therya. 8(3): 241-260.
26) Hernandez G., García S., Vilela J.F., and de la Sancha N.U. (2017). Ontogenetic variation of an omnivorous generalist rodent: the case of the montane akodont (Akodon montensis). Journal of Mammalogy, 98:1741–1752.
25) de la Sancha, N.U., S.A. Boyle, and B.D. Patterson. (2017). Getting back to the basics: museum collections and satellite imagery are critical to analyzing species diversity. BioScience. 67(5):405-406.
24) de la Sancha, N.U. (2017). BOOK REVIEW: bats of Colima, Mexico. Journal of Mammalogy. 98(6): 1791–1792. DOI: 10.1093/jmammal/gyx127.
23) de la Sancha, N.U. and G. D’Elía. (2015). Additions to the Paraguayan mammal fauna: the first records of two marsupials. Mammalia. 79(3): 343-356.
22) Notaricola, J. and N.U. de la Sancha. (2015). Description of Litomosoides ysoguazu n. sp. (Nematoda, Onchocercidae), a parasite of the tuft-toed rice rat Sooretamys angouya (Fischer) (Rodentia: Cricetidae), and a first record of L. esslingeri Bain, Petit & Berteaux, 1989 in Paraguay. Systematic Parasitology. 91: 175-184.
21) de la Sancha, N.U., P.E. Pérez Estigarribia, E. McCulloch, and S. Boyle. (2014). Micromamíferos. In Velázquez, M. C. and Ramírez Pinto, F. (Ed.), Guía de los mamíferos de la Reserva Natural Tapytá (pp. 91-124). Asuncion, Central: Fundación Moisés Bertoni.
20) de la Sancha, N.U. (2014). Patterns of small mammal diversity in fragments of subtropical Interior Atlantic Forest in eastern Paraguay. Mammalia. 78(4): 437-449.
19) de la Sancha, N.U., C.L. Higgins, S.J. Presley, and R.E. Strauss. (2014). Metacommunity structure in a highly fragmented forest: has deforestation in the Atlantic Forest altered historic biogeographic patterns?. Diversity and Distributions. 20(9): 1058-1070.
18) Boyle, S.A., C.M. Kennedy, J. Torres, K. Colman, P.E. Pérez-Estigarribia, and N.U. de la Sancha. (2014). High-resolution satellite imagery is an important yet underutilized resource in conservation biology. PloS ONE. 9(e86908).
press: Cool Green Science, AgenciaCyTA,
17) López-González, C., P. Myers, N.U. de la Sancha, G. D’Elía, and L. Valdez. (2014). Historia de la mastozoología en Paraguay. In: Historia de la mastozoología en Latinoamérica, las Guayanas y el Caribe. (J. Ortega, J. L. Martínez and D.G. Tirira, eds.). Editorial Murciélago Blanco y Asociación Ecuatoriana de Mastozoología. Quito and México DF.
16) Torres, J. C., Teta, P., and de la Sancha, N.U. (2014). Presas del búho campestre (Asio flammeus) en un agroecosistema subtropical de Paraguay. Nuestras Aves. 59: 24-27.
15) de la Sancha, N.U., G. D’Elia, and P. Teta. (2012). Systematics of the subgenus of mouse opossums Marmosa (Micoureus) (Didelphimorphia, Didelphidae) with noteworthy records from Paraguay. Mammalian Biology. 77: 229-236.
14) de la Sancha, N.U., G.D’Elia, C.J. Tribe, P. Perez, L. Valdez, and R.H. Pine. (2011). Rhipidomys (Rodentia, Cricetidae) from Paraguay; noteworthy new records and identity of the Paraguayan species. Mammalia. 75: 269-276.
13) de la Sancha, N.U. (2010). Effects of habitat fragmentation on non-volant small mammals of the Interior Atlantic Forest of Eastern Paraguay. Unpublished PhD Dissertation. Texas Tech University, Lubbock Texas.
12) A. Carosini, P. Pérez, M.L. Ortiz, L. Valdez, J.Torres, and N.U. de la Sancha. (2010). Amphibia, Anura, Cycloramphidae, Proceratophrys avelinoi, Reserva Limoy, Alto Paraná Department, Eastern Paraguay. Distribution extension; distribution map. Check List. 6(2): 332-333.
11) Teta, P., G. D’Elía, D. Flores, and N. de la Sancha. (2009). Diversity and distribution of the mouse opossums of the genus Thylamys (Didelphimorphia, Didelphidae) in north-eastern and central Argentina. Gayana. 73(2): 180-199.
10) de la Sancha, N.U., H. Mantill-Meluk, F. Ramirez, P. Perez, N. Majica, A. Troche, and M. Gimenez. (2009). Mammalia, Lagomorpha, Leporidae, Lepus europaeus: Distribution extension, first confirmed record for Paraguay. Check list. 5(3): 428-432.
9) de la Sancha, N., G. D’ Elia, F. Netto, P. Perez, and J. Salazar-Bravo. (2009). Discovery of Juliomys pictipes (Rodentia, Sigmodontinae) in Paraguay, a new genus of Sigmodontinae for the country’s Atlantic Forest. Mammalia. 73: 162-167.
8) McIntyre N.E., R.A. Nisbett, A. Abuzeineh, T. Holsomback, Y.K. Chu, J. A. Carmichael, N. de la Sancha, C.W. Dick, C.B. Jonsson, and R.D. Owen. (2009). Ecological correlates of serological status for bayou virus in Oryzomys palustris. Mastozoologia Neotropical. 16 (1): 83-93.
7) Holsomback, T, N.E. McIntyre, R.A. Nisbett, R.E. Strauss, Y.K. Chu, A.A. Abuzeineh, N. de la Sancha, C.W. Dick, C. B. Jonsson, and B. E. L. Morris. (2009) Bayou virus detected in non-oryzomyine rodent hosts: An assessment of habitat composition, reservoir community structure, and marsh rice rat social dynamics. Journal of Vector Ecology. 34 (1): 9-21.
6) de la Sancha, N., S. Solari, and R. D. Owen. (2007). First records of Monodelphis kunsi Pine (Didelphimorphia, Didelphidae) From Paraguay, with an evaluation of its distribution. Mastozologica Neotropical. 14 (2): 241-247.
5) McIntyre, N.E., Y.K. Chu, R.D. Owen, A. Abuzeineh, N. de la Sancha, C.W. Dick, T. Holsomback, R.A. Nisbett, and C. Jonsson. (2005). A longitudinal study of Bayou virus, hosts, and habitat. American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene. 73 (6): 1043-1049.
< 2001
4) de la Sancha, N. and K. Schanning. (2001). A Historical Comparative Analysis of the Implementation of Biological Corridors. University of Wisconsin-Superior McNair Scholars Journal. 2: 53-93.
3) Pandey, S., M.E.R. McHale, A.M. Horton, S.A. Padilla, A.L. Trufant, N.U. de la Sancha, E. Vela, and W.E. Acree, Jr. (1998). Kinetics-Based Indirect Spectrophotometric Method for Simultaneous Determination of MnO4- and Cr2O72-: A Modern Instrumental Analysis Laboratory Experiment. J. Chem. Educ. 75(4): 450.
2) McHale, M.E.R., A.M. Horton, S.A. Padilla, A.L. Trufant, N.U. De La Sancha, E. Vela, J.R. Powell, and W.E. Acree, Jr. (1997). Solubility of Anthracene in Binary Alcohol + 3-Methoxy-1-butanol Solvent Mixtures. J. Chem. Eng. Data. 42: 54-56.
1) McHale, M.E.R., A.M. Horton, S.A. Padilla, A.L. Trufant, N.U. De La Sancha, E. Vela, and W.E. Acree, Jr. (1996). Solubility of Pyrene in Binary Alcohol + Cyclohexanol and Alcohol + 1-Pentanol Solvent Mixtures at 299.2 K. J. Chem. Eng. Data. 41: 1522-1524.
In press:
59) de la Sancha, N.U., P. Teta, G. D’Elía. (in Press). Lista anotada de los Marsupiales de Paraguay. In F.J. Flórez Oliveros and L. Amparo Zapata Ortiz (Eds). Marsupiales de América.
58) López-González C., P. Myers, N. de la Sancha, G. D’Elía, L. Valdez, R. Owen, P. Smith. (in Press). History of Mammalogy in Paraguay. In M. Melletti, D.G. Tirira, S. Gallina Tessaro (Eds). Mammals of Middle and South America: History, Biogeography, and Conservation.
57) Onditi, K.O., N.U. de la Sancha, Simon Musila, Esther Kioko and Xuelong Jiang. (2024). Unravelling spatial scale effects on elevational diversity gradients: insights from montane small mammals in Kenya. BMC Ecol Evo 24, 139.
56) Buckley, J.Y., M.H. Murray, N.U. de la Sancha, Mason Fidino, Kaylee A. Byers, Rebecca Fyffe, and Seth Magle. (2024). Widespread exposure to anticoagulant rodenticides among common urban mesopredators in Chicago. Science of the Total Environment.
55) Villalobos Guerrero, I.A. and N.U. de la Sancha (2024) "Postweaning Skull Growth in Living Didelphid Marsupials: The Case of Gracilinanus agilis and Cryptonanus chacoensis," DePaul Discoveries. 13, 11.
54) Leonard, A., J. Abalos, T. Adhola, W. Aguirre, O. Aizpurua, S. Ali, F. Andreone, F. Aubret, H.D. Ávila-Palma, L.F. Bautista Alcantara, J.F. Beltrán, R. Berg, T. Bjørneboe Berg, S. Bertolino, D.T. Blumstein, B. Boldgiv, Z. Borowski, J.P. Boubli, S. Büchner, C. Cabido, Carlos Camacho, J.C. Chaparro, A. Charmantier, G. D'Elía, L.P. da Silva, B. Dalsgaard, C. de Franceschi, F. de la Cruz, N.U. de la Sancha, M. Denoël, R. Eisenhofer, N. Feiner, J.M. Fernandes, J. Figuerola, L. Fusani, L. Gangoso, R. García-Roa, S. Gasperini, N. Gaun, M. T.P. Gilbert, I. Gomez-Mestre, G.R. Graves, J. Groombridge, E.A. Hardouin, M. Hernández, L.G. Herrera M., K. Hodder, P.A. Hosner, N. Hurtado, J. Juste, S.C.L. Knowles, K.D. Kohl, C. Korine, Y.V. Kornilev, S. Kramer-Schadt, X. Lambin, E.Z. Lattenkamp, J. Lauritsen, G. Li, C.M. López, A. López Baucells, T. Magory Cohen, E. Manzo, M. Marteau, L.B. Martin, G.M. Bideguren, M.V. Mazzamuto, A. Monadjem, P. Nietlisbach, D. Bilyeli Øksnebjerg, J.G. Packer, M.L. Pepke, J.M. Peralta-Sánchez, A. Perdomo, G. Pérez i de Lanuza, C. Pietroni, M. Poyet, C. Rahbek, T. Ramaraj, Y. Ramayo Caldas, O. Razgour, H. Rebelo, J. Reif, R. Rimbach, R. Rocha, R. G. Rocha, C. Rodríguez Fernandes, C. Romeo1, S. Ruuskanen, S.K. Sakaluk, F. Santicchia, T. Sarraude, R. Sørås, M. Spada, M.A. Steele, M.R. Stothart, E. Sunje, A.O. Sutton, M. Szulkin, Y. Takahata, C.F. Thompson, K. Thorup, G. Tomazetto, L. Torrent, N. Toshkova, C. Tranquillo, M.A. Turcios-Casco, T. Uller, I. van Riemsdijk, G. Velo-Antón, G. Verbeylen, E. Videvall, C.C. Voigt, L.A. Wauters, M. Wellenreuther, A. Yanchukov, and A. Alberdi. (2024). A global initiative for ecological and evolutionary hologenomics. Trends in Ecology and Evolution. 39:(7), 616-620. DOI:
53) Blackburn, D.C., D.M. Boyer, J.A. Gray, J. Winchester, J.M. Bates, S.L. Baumgart, E. Braker, D. Coldren, K.W. Conway, A. Davis Rabosky, N. de la Sancha, C.B. Dillman, J.L. Dunnum, C.M. Early, B.W. Frable, M.W. Gage, J. Hanken, J.A. Maisano, B.D. Marks, K.P. Maslenikov, J.E. McCormack, R.S. Nagesan, G.G. Pandelis, H.L. Prestridge, D.L. Rabosky, Z.S. Randall, M.B. Robbins, L.A. Scheinberg, C.L. Spencer, A.P. Summers, L. Tapanila, C.W. Thompson, L. Tornabene, G.J. Watkins-Colwell, L.J. Welton, the oVert Project Team, and E.L. Stanley. (2024). Increasing the impact of vertebrate scientific collections through 3D-imaging: the openVertebrate (oVert) Thematic Collections Network. BioScience 74: 169-186.
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50) de la Sancha, N.U., J.F. González-Maya, S.A. Boyle, P.E. Pérez-Estigarribia, J.N. Urbina-Cardona, and N.E. McIntyre. (2023) Bioindicators of edge effects within Atlantic Forest remnants: Conservation implications in a threatened biodiversity hotspot. Diversity and Distributions. 29(3), 349-363.
49) Ge,D., Y. Qu, T. Deng, W. Thuiller, C. Fišer, P.G.P. Ericson, B. Guo, N.U. de la Sancha, S. von der Heyden, Z. Hou, J. Li, A. Abramov, A.P. Vogler, K.A. Jønsson, and R. Mittermeier. (2022). New progress in exploring the mechanisms underlying extraordinarily high biodiversity in global hotspots and their implications for conservation. Special Issue: Global hotspot of Biodiversity and Conservation. Diversity and Distributions. 28(12), 2448-2458.
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Foto: Cryptonanus chacoensis from the Atlantic Forest of eastern Paraguay. Improving our understanding of mammals of Paraguay