I am a classically trained mammalogist, primarily focusing in field ecology. I am interested in questions dealing with the effects of anthropogenic habitat disturbance on patterns of biodiversity and health of population in these habitats. My interests range from landscape ecology to biogeography. I try to incorporate statistical modeling, geographic information systems (GIS), morphometrics, and phylogenetics to field and museum data, with the aim to improve our understanding of various dimensions of biodiversity primarily in the tropics.
I am currently Assistant Professor at DePaul University (2022 - present) and a Research Associate at The Field Museum of Natural History (2012 - present).
Short personal bio.
Interview - The Round Table perspective. Lake Shore PBS. Aired May 5th, 2023.
Armour talk - Field Museum, Jan. 2023.
DePaul Journey Seminar - Mi vida loca: a nomadic journey - Oct/13/23
(seminar on career path to get here)